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Below is a list of publications from our experts (click on the title to view the publication):
Vega, H. V., Ngo, J., Engleman, K., Suway, J., "Speed Determination Using Audio Analysis of Dash Camera Video for Vehicle Accident Reconstruction" SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0632, 2023
Vega, H. V., Suway, J., "Validation of the Arnold Render for Creation of Physically Correct Lighting Models" SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0618, 2023
Vega, H., Suway, J., Engleman, K., "A Novel Method for Using RealityCapture in a Forensic Setting" SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0820, 2022
Engleman, K., Vega, H., Suway J., Desai, E., "Positional Accuracy of Portable GPS Devices during Different Ride Stages" SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0828, 2022
Suway, J., Suway, S., "A More Robust Method for Digital Video Camera Calibration for Luminance Estimation" SAE Technical Paper 2022-01-0802, 2022
Dinakar, S., Suway, J., Muttart, J., Edewaard, D. et al., “Systematic Degradation of Retroreflective Materials for Testing and Research” SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0853, 2021
Desai, E., Wang, P., Suway, J., and Engleman, K., “Bicycle GPS Positional Accuracy” SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0878, 2021
Dinakar, S., Muttart, J., Suway, J., Marr, J., Edwaard, D., Enes, A., “Driver Response Times to Side Road Path Intrusions from SHRP-2 Naturalistic Database” Proceedings of the 2020 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2020 Annual Meeting
Suway, J., Cornetto, A., “Quantifying Retroreflective Materials using Digital Imagery” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0570, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0570
Cornetto, A., Suway, J., “Simulation of Retro-reflective Materials in a Physically Based Rendering (PBR) Engine” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0567, 2020, doi:10.4271/2020-01-0567
Cornetto, A. and Suway, J., “A Method for Mapping a Light Source Utilizing HDR Imagery” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0566, 2020
Cornetto, A.D. and Suway, J., “Validation of the Cycles Engine for Creation of Physically Correct Lighting Models” SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-1004, 2019
Grimes, C., Roescher, T., Suway, J.A., and Welcher, J., “Comparing the Accuracy of Image Based Scanning Techniques to Laser Scanners” SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0525, 2018
Steiner, J., Armstrong, C., Kress, T., Walli, T., Gallagher, R., Ngo, J., Silva, A., "Commercial Vehicle Global Positioning System Based Telematics Data Characteristics and Limitations" SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1439, 2017
Young, J., Muttart, J., Suway, J., “Nighttime Photography and Video: Techniques & Tips” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017 Annual Meeting. Panel moderated by Cohen, J.
Muttart, J., Dinakar, S., Suway, J., Kuzel, M., Gernhard, S., Rackers, M., Schafer, T., Vadnais ,T., Fischer, J., “Influence of Taillight Width on the Ability to Recognize Closing Speed, Closing Distance and Closing versus Separating” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017 Annual Meeting.
Suway, J., Suway, S., “A Method for digital Video Camera Calibration for Luminance Estimation” Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress and Exhibition, 2017, SAE Paper No. 2017-01-1368
Muttart, J., Dinakar,, S., Suway, J., Kuzel, M., Maloney, T., Biever, W., Terpstra, R., Voitel, T., Cavanaaugh, D., Harms, T.J., “Comparing a Times Exposure Methodology to the Nighttime Recognition Responses from SHRP-2 Naturalistic Drivers” Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress and Exhibition, 2017, SAE Paper No. 2017-0-1366
Muttart, J., Dinakar, S., Suway, J., Kuzel, M., Lohf, D., Maloney, T., Whear, A., “Is a Protocol for Measuring Aged Retroreflective Sheeting Warranted? Retroreflective Measurements from 191 Trailers from 36 States” Transportation Research Board Paper 17-06767
Suway, J., Welcher, J., “A Quantitative Method for Accurately Depicting still photographs or video of a night-time scene Utilizing Equivalent Contrast” Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress and Exhibition, 2016, SAE Paper No. 2016-01-1463.
Hunter, E., "Application and Use of Linear Interpolation Models: A Case Study," HVE WP2016-1, 2016
Suway, J., Welcher, J., “Retroreflective DOT-C2 Tape Performance in Relation to Observation and Entrance Angle – A Real World Study” Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) World Congress and Exhibition, 2015, SAE Paper No. 2015-01-1432.
Suway, J., Welcher, J., “Quantifying Retroreflective DOT-C2 Tape Performance using a Retroreflectometer” Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exhibition, 2015, SAE Paper No. 2015-01-1429.
Cornetto, A., Suway, J., Wahba, R., Bayan, F., “Calculating Three Dimensional Stiffness Coefficients for Use in Three Dimensional Simulation Modeling for Accident Reconstruction” Published in conjunction with the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exhibition, 2014, SAE Paper No. 2014-01- 0473.
Suway, J., Cornetto, A., Wahba, R., Bayan, F., “Comparison of HVE simulations to NHTSA full-frontal barrier testing: an analysis of 3D and 2D stiffness coefficients in SIMON and EDSMAC4” Presented at the 2014 HVE Forum. Published as HVE White Paper HVE-WP-2014-2.
Suway, J., Cornetto, A., Wahba, R., Swanson, J., Bayan, F., “Three Dimensional Simulation of a Crash Test Series in SIMON – Utilizing A, B, C, and D Stiffness Coefficients” Collision Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 1, Spring 2014.
Poirette, N., Bayan, F., Suway, J., Cornetto, A., Cipriani, A., and Wahba, R., “Stiffness Coefficients of Heavy Commercial Vehicles” Published in conjunction with the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exhibition, 2013, SAE Paper No. 2013-01-0796.
Bayan, F., Cornetto, A., Dunn, A., Wahba, R., Suway, J., Prokrym, Y., and Price, A., “Brake Characteristics for a Bobtail Vehicle” Published in conjunction with the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exhibition, 2013, SAE Paper No. 2013-01-0792.
Cornetto, A., Bayan, F., Dunn, A., Tanner, C., Wahba, R., Suway, J., Heydinger, G., Chakravarthy, K., and Guenther, D., “Tractor-Semitrailer Stability Following a Steer Axle Tire Blowout at Speed and Comparison to Computer Simulation Models” Published in conjunction with the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress and Exhibition, 2013, SAE Paper No. 2013- 01-0795.
Suway, J., Cornetto, A., Swanson, J., Bayan, F., Wahba, R., and Cipriani, A., “A Comparison Between a Real World Crash Test, HVE Simulation and 3D Scanning” Collision Magazine Volume 7, Issue 2, Fall 2012.
Saunders, J., Craig, M., and Suway, J.A., “NHTSA’s Test Procedure Evaluations for Small Overlap/Oblique Crashes” Presented at the 22nd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV), 2011, ESV Paper Number: 11-0343.
Grimes, W., Balasa, J., Hunter, E., Stevens, D., "Analyzing the Trip-Phase of Soft-Soil Rollovers," SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-1558, 2006
Grimes, W., Balasa, J., Hunter, E., Vadnais, T., "Extracting Tire Model Parameters from Test Data," SAE Technical Paper 2006-01-1399, 2006
Grimes, W., Hunter, E., "Extracting Tire Model Parameters from Test Data," HVE WP2001-4, 2001